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Writer's pictureSophia Dee

Why is it so important to maintain the exhaust system of your car?

It’s mighty important to keep our cars maintained, as no journey is possible without this cherished asset. All parts of the car equally contribute to its proper functioning. The role of the exhaust system also cannot be ruled out in this regard. In fact, the mileage of your car depends a lot on how this system works. 

What does an exhaust system do in your car?

Well, to put it in simple words, just understand that that the exhaust system is just like the lungs in our body. Just as the lungs here, take in the oxygen and spread it to other parts of the body, while breathing out the carbon dioxide, the exhaust repair Finchley system also pretty much does the same. 

It also takes in the air and expels the toxic air mixture from the vehicle. For this, the exhaust systems are made up of stainless steel, cast iron or aluminium to avoid any kind of corrosion happening in them. Such material has a good shelf life and it will keep your exhaust system working well for a long time. In case if low quality steel is used for the system, you might discover the system rusting or breaking down.

How does the exhaust system work?

The components of this system include exhaust manifold, oxygen sensors, catalytic converter, exhaust pipes, muffler and finally the tail pipe.

The exhaust manifold is made up of steel and it’s directly connected to the engine through combustion cylinders. The oxygen sensors, as the name suggests, check the amount of oxygen present in the fuel and that’s how the fuel economy is derived for the best performance of the engine.

The catalytic converter, which is located between the exhaust manifold and the muffler, is accountable for converting the harmful emissions like carbon monoxide to slightly less harmful ones like carbon dioxide and water vapour, before driving them out of the tailpipe.

The muffler is responsible for absorbing the sound and it also helps quieten the explosion noise coming from the engine. 

The exhaust pipes drive the gas out from the engine through the tailpipe into the environment. The tailpipe is the only part of the system that’s visible to us.

How to locate faults in the exhaust system?

People driving the car must be aware enough to discover signs that point out towards the faulty functioning of the exhaust system. Some of them are listed below -

· If you notice some rumbling sound coming from the engine, then there might be chances that the catalytic converter or the muffler is not working well. You must get it inspected without any further delay.

·The reduced fuel efficiency is also one of the signs of the flawed exhaust repair system. If you see a dip in the mileage, you must get the system inspected.

·If you observe your car vibrating or losing out on its power, then it’s probably time for a mechanic to check the exhaust of your car.At times, the cosmetic dents in the system also makes it run less efficiently. For instance, a bigger muffler wouldn’t be able to contain sound to that extent and it might release a lot of air too.

·Rust and corrosion are other problems in the system that might occur, leading the pipes to deteriorate. This happens when the moisture in the system reacts with the steel and iron there. This also can create some leaks in the system. 

How to keep your exhaust maintained?

· Take your car on long trips, so that the engine gets enough time to vapourize the moisture in it. This will prevent the exhaust repair from contamination. Wash your vehicle weekly to dissipate the corrosion.

·To avoid any kind of extreme issues in the system, make sure you change the sensors every 60,000 miles. This is going to improve the fuel efficacy.Get your car serviced regularly by some technician.

The best way to keep it maintained is when you nip the problem in its bud. As you wouldn’t want to splurge a huge amount of money on it later. With little consciousness, you can keep your car running facilely at all times.

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