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  • Writer's pictureSophia Dee

When should you replace your car tyres?

Tyre replacement can be a tricky process. Not because of the whole fitting and removing wheels procedure. But because you have to buy a new one. Selecting perfect tyres for your car is always challenging. With so many options available, it is extremely difficult to choose just one. But you have got to. So here’s a quick guide on when to replace tyres and what you should look for in a new tyre set.

When to replace the tyres

Worn out tyres: Worn out Firestone Tyres Birmingham should be replaced as quickly as possible. They not only affect the quality of the vehicle's performance but also put your safety at risk. They don’t have tread depth and all the tread design disappears. This means you don’t get to have safe drives because of the lack of grip. They also pose a threat to the suspension system as worn out tyres need more pressure and force to work. Briefly, you should replace the tyres when the tread depth reaches 1.6mm.

Cuts: Tyres with cuts and bulges are also dangerous to drive with. They can easily blow out anytime or when the heat build-up increases. Cuts often occur when the tyres get severely damaged after being hit by a hard and sharp object. Sometimes these cuts can be repaired when the intensity of damage isn’t high. But if the cuts are deep and wide, you should consider bytying a new tyre set.

Cracks: As you drive on the road, heat is produced between the tyre and road. As you go on with the drive, this heat builds up. New and strong tyres can easily resist the heat but old and worn tyres fail to do so. Their rubber becomes weak and as a result, they attain cracks. Cracked rubber often leads to punctures and blowouts.

8 years of service: The life of a tyre depends on various factors and it varies accordingly. But once they complete the service of 8 years, they should be replaced. There may be times when your tyres will look fine even after 8 years.

Quick deflation: You get the tyres inflated at night and by the next morning or noon the air pressure becomes low. This is a clear sign of old tyres. Rapid deflation occurs when the tyres have been serving you for a long time and now their rubber has lost flexibility.

How to buy a suitable tyre?

Brand: You should carefully choose the right brand. Bridgestone, Continental, Goodyear, Pirelli, Dunlop, etc are some of the major tyre brands. Their car tyres Birmingham are of the highest quality. They have a long life and come with warranties. If you are completely satisfied with the present brand then you are advised to go for the same one.

Tyre reviews: The moment you decide to buy a particular tyre model you should look for user reviews. This will help you in making a sound decision.

Speed rating and load capacity: These two factors play a key role in your tyre selection process. The manufacturer’s manual clearly asks you to follow these rules.

Type of tyre: Before you spend money on the tyres be clear about the tyre type you want. Whether you want summer, winter, or all-season tyres.

Budget: The last and one of the important things to keep in mind while buying tyres is the budget. You should know how much money you are ready to spend on a tyre set. This will narrow down your options.

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